Choose to advertise with us and your advert will be placed on this website and in the Greensheets paper bulletin
Adverts are grouped into Teaching and Non-Teaching vacancies, making it easy for the right candidates to see your advert.
Adverts are published on a weekly cycle during the school term time
On request, it is usually possible to upload adverts to the website outside this cycle. Terms and conditions apply, contact us for more details.
We are a term-time only publication.
The next available issue for advertisers is February 24, 2024. (Advertising deadline is 3pm, Thursday February 20, 2025).
It may be possible to place adverts online sooner - please email us at to enquire.
Our advertising rates can be viewed here:
We will provide a free, no obligation quote based on the information you provide.
We are committed to keeping your costs low and we never over sell - if we think it’ll fit in a smaller box, we’ll tell you.
To place an advert simply send us:
The deadline to receive adverts for the following weeks edition is Thursday 3pm
No hidden extras - Design service and up to 3 uploads included in the price of your advert.
Adverts can be placed as either boxed or lineage adverts.
All boxed advertisements include our FREE design service. There are 6 sizes of box available, with some available in both portrait and landscape orientations. Please see the table for box sizes and the approximate maximum number of words each box can accommodate.
Boxed adverts are designed per school and can accommodate logos and photos if required (adding photos may require a larger box).
If requested before 10am on a Wednesday, we will provide a proof of your advert prior to going to print
Lineage advertisements
Lineage adverts are adverts in a standard style (no logos or bullet points etc) with a limited number of words. The fee covers the school name and contact details plus an additional 85 words. Additional words are charged at an additional rate per word per week.
We are not able to provide proofs for lineage advertisements.
If you want to highlight your advert to potential applicants why not make your advert a “Featured advert” on our website. For an additional fee we can highlight your advert within the Job Search page. Book this quickly though as there is limited availability each week. Please contact us for further information.
If you are looking for inspiration when drafting your advert, contact us. We have over 20 years’ experience of advertisements for schools and can offer hints and tips for a successful recruitment campaign.
Greensheets printed bulletin is distributed free of charge to over 1400 schools in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, south Oxfordshire, north Hampshire, Surrey, east Wiltshire and the London Boroughs of Hillingdon and Hounslow. It is also sent to a number of independent schools, teacher training colleges, libraries and to job seekers at education/support centres.