1 Class Teacher

In our new Kennet Valley Resource Base.
TMR/UPS + SEND allowance.
Fixed term, 12-month contract.

Our Governors wish to appoint 1 Class Teacher in our new Kennet Valley Resource Base.

We wish to appoint an enthusiastic and outstanding class teacher to start as soon as possible to teach full time. You will be working with children and young people with complex needs in a Primary setting. Please see the full Job Description and Person Specification for more information.

The successful candidate will:

  • Be able to build a warm, respectful ethos with pupils, where every child’s efforts and achievements are valued, and take pride in these.
  • Be a good teacher who is reflective and always striving to improve and move forward.
  • Be enthusiastic, approachable and have an open and positive attitude.
  • Be both able and willing to share their own good practice and be open to developing this through implementing the advice of colleagues.

We are offering you:

  • The opportunity to work in a ‘good’ school
  • An experienced, friendly and supportive staff team.
  • A positive and caring ethos with children at the heart of all we do.
  • Enthusiastic children who enjoy learning.

Kennet Valley Primary School is an effective and inclusive school, with high expectations of all its children. We have a strong staff team, good relationships with parents and the local community, extremely supportive governors, and positive links with our Local Authority. There are good facilities as well as extensive grounds that provide a wide range of outdoor learning opportunities. This is a great opportunity for a hard-working individual, who is committed to the progress of every child. 

Our Resource Base caters for small classes of children with Autism/Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs. Teachers will work closely with the Unit Lead whilst still being part of the Kennet Valley Team. Applications are welcome from teachers already in special education as well as teachers in a mainstream setting with a desire to support children with complex SEND and an understanding of what this involves.

Visits to the school are warmly welcomed, at the end of the day, by appointment. Please contact the office to make an appointment or request an application pack.

Applications considered on receipt.

Kennet Valley Primary School
Carter’s Rise, Calcot, Reading, Berkshire RG31 7YT
Telephone: 0118 941 4410
Email: office@kennetvalley.w-berks.sch.uk
Website: https://www.kennetvalley.w-berks.sch.uk/
Headteacher: Ms Deirdre Devine

Kennet Valley Primary is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment and is in line with the guidance in KCSIE. All shortlisted candidates will be asked to complete a criminal records self-disclosure form. Successful candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks along with other relevant employment checks including online searches. We shall ensure fairness and equal opportunities throughout our workforce and in service delivery.

Kennet Valley Primary School

Kennet Valley Primary School Logo
Kennet Valley Primary School
Carter's Rise
RG31 7YT

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